Neighbourhood Church Beckenham

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It’s your grace that broke into my life – not in a dramatic way…not in a thunderbolt kind of way…but in an almost unnoticeable way…gently wooing me…gently winning my heart…gently drawing me nearer and nearer to yourself. It was grace that one day came alive in my heart…bursting into activity…capturing my heart for Jesus…opening my eyes to the reality of my own heart. It was grace that enabled me to see the all-sufficiency of Jesus. It was grace that caused me to fall in love with your Word. It was grace that allowed me to love the One who stood behind that Word. It is grace that has led me, shaped me, brought new life to bear in me. It is grace that has kept me, provided for me, enabled me, wowed me…it is grace that holds me each day. It is your grace that allows me to sleep in peace each night; your grace that allows me to breathe deeply the fresh air and enjoy being outside; it’s your grace that gives me good health, to know the love of my family. It’s your grace that sustains me in hard times; that heals my pain; that is making me whole. It’s your grace that persists with me; patiently, enduringly, faithfully. It’s your grace that generously, extravagantly pours out the gift of life upon me. It’s your grace that has set me free…liberated me…freed me from the power of sin and death and the flesh. It’s your grace that anchors my soul to the hope we have in you. It’s your grace that has purchased me, brought me to yourself; conferred the status of your child upon me; it’s your grace that hears my prayers.

Father, where would I be without your grace.

I praise you for your grace: your extravagant, abundant, never-ending, unconditional, over-whelming kindness and generosity. May it continue to capture me; sustain me; melt me; convict me; shape me; mould me; mend me; cherish me; woo me. May I always revel in, delight in, soak in…your grace.

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound.